
Belmont Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) invites you to attend a very important presentation of:

Introduction To The New Massachusetts IEP Form

When:   Wednesday May 15th, 2023              6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Where:   Presented via zoom for greatest access:

Meeting ID: 892 8432 8147  Passcode: 672208

The new form is written in easier to understand language and is designed to increase collaboration among IEP Team members.  Centering on student’s strengths and vision, the goal is to help students take an active part in the IEP planning process.  Come to our virtual introduction to the new IEP form presentation to learn what has changed! This workshop is free and open to all families, educators, and administrators.

•     Understanding why changes have been made

•     Highlight key changes between the current and new forms.

•     Explore updated areas for students and parent input

•     Identify areas for team collaboration

•     Scenarios / examples navigating content in the new form

•     Learn the timeline for implementation

Presenter: Allan Blume

Allan is an educational consultant, former special educator, and professor who works with schools across Massachusetts regarding various topics in education. Most of his work focuses on IEP writing and strategies for doing so. 

In addition, Allan created a web-based app for data collection and coordination to assist Teams with informing IEP development. He taught for 18 years as a special education teacher in educational collaboratives and public schools. In addition, he was an Associate Professor of Practice at Simmons University-Boston, a guest lecturer at Elm College-Chicopee, and has spoken at regional, state, national, and international conferences.